Archive for the ‘In the Coop’ Category

My ten little babies are growing quickly. This little girl escapes at every opportunity!


Chicks at 3 Weeks

Chicks at 3 Weeks



This is Eleanor – so far I can tell the difference between her and Abigail and no others.  Anyway, Eleanor is the scruffiest looking Americauna that I have. Isn’t she sweet though?  She certainly cheeps loudly when she’s alarmed! They are growing. I thought I couldn’t tell because I pay attention to them so often throughout the day.  But, today when we got home from church, I could definitely tell they have grown in the 4 days we have had them.

Our friends Kim and Midge went to Cackle Hatchery today and got our babies. Aren’t they cute? They arrived in what amounts to a shoebox with air holes. Inside there is a heating pad, a pad that simulates hay, a little green block of what is called solid h2o and baby chickens. In our case, there are 10 of them. They make the sweetest peeping sound! We set up their new home – a large orange plastic container, a heating lamp, a mason jar waterer, the hay pad and the warmer all settled nicely on some paper towels.



Chris builds my coop.  Yes it's little but I want to start out small.

Chris builds my coop. Yes it’s little but I want to start out small.

This was my Christmas present from my wonderful husband who has had to listen to me lust after my own chicken flock for three years now.  I have read books and articles. I have looked at other people’s flocks, I have talked to friends with chickens.  In short, I have been a bit obsessed about getting chickens.  So – with a little push, disguised as a Christmas present, I am going to do this!

January 2025